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皮马社区学院致力于推动亚利桑那州南部的经济发展. 与企业密切合作, 政府和社区领导人及利益相关者, PCC developed 卓越中心 to provide high-tech training and reskilling of both new and incumbent workers and contribute to the overall economic vitality of Pima County and the surrounding region.


响应性:创建并交付按需项目和员工, 可叠起堆放的凭证, 学位和证书星际官方赌钱;

CONVERGENCE:开放资源的社区中心, 学徒制, 关于思想领导力的研讨会和论坛;

适应性强:专业发展水平高, 职业指导和实际经验符合该地区的需求.



皮马社区学院新汽车卓越中心的建筑效果图 总部设在皮马的扩张市中心校区在赛道和石头, 应用技术卓越中心设有汽车技术与创新中心, 于2021年开业, 先进制造大楼, 哪一个计划在2023年开放. 先进制造大楼将容纳自动化工业技术(AIT), 计算机辅助设计(CAD), 加工(MAC), 焊接(WLD)星际官方赌钱. 隔壁的ST大楼将被翻新,允许建筑 & 建筑技术(BCT)项目将从2000平方米扩大到2000平方米. ft. 到20000平方英尺. ft.

皮马培训来自全球重型设备制造商卡特彼勒的工程师. 卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)发现了其工程师技能的一个缺口:他们缺乏现实生活, 工厂现场制造经验. Pima的补救措施是提供为期六周的实验室讲座星际官方赌钱, 非焊工的焊接和非机械师的加工, 这样工程师们就能亲自动手了.

The Automated Industrial Technology (AIT) program is developing a micro-certification for robotics in partnership with the 亚利桑那州先进技术网络.

建筑 & Construction program is partnering with Trane Technologies to design a living lab that will enable students to program and troubleshoot advanced control systems for heating and cooling. A feature of the partnership is providing students with real-time data to help in the decision-making process.

This program will provide high school students participating in JTED’s partnership with Trane a path to continue their studies and earn additional NC3 certifications for building automation. This expansion will also allow the BCT program to expand its partnership with the University of Arizona for 学徒制 in building control systems.

The Automated Industrial Technology (AIT) and 计算机辅助设计(CAD) programs have integrated additive manufacturing competencies into several courses. 这两个项目都在继续扩展他们的机器人和3D打印能力.

整合自治, 连接, Electric and Shared (ACES) paradigm into Automotive Technology (AUT): The Automotive program is increasing its electrical and electronic competencies, 该行业已确定为教学先进辅助系统的最重要的先驱.

The Automotive Technology and Innovation Center will feature space for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) like Ford, 斯巴鲁, 和克莱斯勒.

The Aviation and AIT programs have discussed adding UAV/drone components for piloting and maintenance/repair. These additions will be developed in partnership with industry advisory members to ensure alignment with high-wage careers. The Aviation program serves 150 students and will double its headcount to 300 students over the next few years.

与劳动力发展合作, the Flexible 行业 Training (FIT) lab will feature the advanced manufacturing equipment local employers need their workers trained on, in a professional environment where classes can be scheduled to provide training with any duration and schedule, 而且不受校历的限制. 实验室将灵活地采用雇主正在使用的最新设备, 跟上本地制造商采用新技术的速度.


皮马社区学院新航空技术卓越中心的建筑效果图虽然位于图森国际机场的专用机库空间,但 航空技术中心 是应用技术卓越中心的一部分.

皮马社区学院 is the only Aviation repair and maintenance training program in Arizona that provides hands on training on both commercial and regional jets. 该项目在全国享有卓越的声誉, 雇主对其毕业生的需求很高. 这一扩张将使每年的毕业生人数翻一番, 填补可能无法填补的空缺, 平均收入52美元,000元/年, 并为全州经济带来工资收入.



The 健康专业卓越中心 is based at Pima’s 西校区 and provides state-of-the-art training in multiple healthcare programs including Nursing, 外科手术技术, 呼吸道护理, 医学化验技术, 牙科研究及其他.

The Center of Excellence clusters these integrative programs into a single unit that supports the multiple career pathways our students will access. 已确定资金用于开发模仿医院环境的高科技空间.

Already students benefit from technology including iPads that expand learning and understanding through augmented reality and enhanced video. Simulation mannequins allow students to learn and hone skills in a safe and supportive environment before moving into clinical care for actual patients.


  • Prepares future healthcare professionals to function in a world where technology and medical devices are actively 监控ing/measuring chronic illness, 包括植入设备.
  • 加深对科技如何影响包括健身在内的日常生活活动的理解, 健康教育, 跟踪症状, 以及疾病管理.
  • Preparse future health professionals to provide liaison and coaching support to patients in the work of mobile, 无线, 远程医疗, 智能手机应用程序.
  • 准备未来的医疗保健专业人员,以发挥远程医疗和远程医疗的世界.



这个快速发展的项目位于东校区,以学校为中心 亚利桑那网络战靶场这是社区大学唯一的“实弹”网络靶场.

该系列是一个独特的机会和合作伙伴关系. 由学生和社区志愿者运营, 它为it专业人员提供了一个安全地带, 社区成员和学生都可以安全地探索“实弹”网络攻击和防御. 学生, 社区成员和企业有机会进行测试, 监控, and harden the security of all types of technology and IoT devices within the 亚利桑那网络战靶场 and the CoE. 这创造了一个破坏性的学习环境, 不局限于虚拟模拟, 这是对传统教育模式的补充. 我们定期与K-12进行教学和参与性活动, 亚利桑那州职业技术教育协会, 公众及商界人士.

除了, Pima的目标是从根本上改变IT教育,并提供实际的实践经验, 与社区和员工互动. 中心通过四个主要领域建立这种联系:

  • 学生运行数据中心:数据中心为学生提供了一个包含多个系统的企业IT环境, 供应商, 技术. Like most data centers today this datacenter expands beyond our physical location into Google Cloud services to give students realistic IT experiences.
  • 网络安全运营中心学生CSOC提供了一个学生可以分析和监控威胁源的设施, 并实时提供响应信息. 另外, AZCWR也是一个信息共享和分析组织(ISAO), 向皮马提供国际威胁情报的来源和合作伙伴. 这种组合使Pima CSOC成为可信和积极的威胁响应资源.
  • 融合的空间: This is an active learning room that accommodates a variety of events ranging from short seminar topics, 到班级和学生活动,包括夺旗比赛, 跨学科教学, 对供应商和社区的合作.
  • 亚利桑那网络战靶场



该中心以消防科学和紧急医疗服务为特色, 执法和司法管理以及运输和物流.

全国公认的是皮马与美国的伙伴关系.S. Airforce to provide Medical Readiness Agency (AFMRA) to train airmen as nationally credentialed Paramedics in an expedited program.

此外,获得全国关注是与 TuSimple. 合作, Pima created the country’s first certificate to upskill truck drivers in Autonomous Truck operations - Autonomous Vehicle Driver and Operations Specialist Certificate.

皮马社区学院 also trains the majority of Pima County’s first responders with partnerships that include: 2 law enforcement agencies, 12个消防局/区, 6家医院和1个救护车连.

PCC is also developing and offering the entire Logistics and Supply Chain Management certificate and degree online.



旨在支持图森重要的酒店和旅游业, Pima’s Center of Excellence works with industry partners to prepare students for today’s challenges and opportunities.

将课堂学习与实践经验相结合, Pima’s students are prepared to handle a wide-range of responsibilities and are in-demand by area employers.

该项目正在使用其第一笔第五章拨款“通往酒店之路”,每年拨款2美元.700万奖金, 创建最先进的设施,包括三个商业厨房, 重新启用的烤架, 一个新的餐厅和小酒馆, 向公众开放, 还有酒店套房学习实验室.

中心的一个亮点将是 示范厨房和露天剧场 配备先进的移动教学技术, 云, 和物联网的虚拟, 在线和增强学习. 该空间将提供举办商业和社区项目和活动的能力.



皮马社区学院’s Arts and Humanities prepares communicators and creative and critical thinkers for challenging positions in a wide range of fields.

拥有美丽的表演空间和艺术画廊空间, 皮马的艺术学生获得课堂和现实生活的经验.

艺术组织刺激商业和经济增长. The creative industries throughout the United States employ nearly 3 million people and make up around 4 percent of the nation’s businesses. 每年, 仅非盈利的艺术和文化组织就为国家经济注入了大约600亿美元.

此外, 研究表明,重视艺术的城市有更多的公民和社会参与, 更好的儿童福利和更低的贫困率. 

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